rubber insulated cable

My myp mc mcp mz mzp mq mqp MZ MZP rubber insulated cable

My myp mc mcp mz mzp mq mqp MZ MZP rubber insulated cable The rated voltage of the mining rubber cable is 0.66/1.14KV, which is suitable for the coal mining machine with rated voltage Uo/1.14V and below. k type thermocouple The working temperature is 65°C.
Mining rubber cable
Shearer soft cable with rated voltage of 0.66/1.14KV and pt100 thermocouple below (GB12972.2-91)
My myp mc mcp mz mzp mq mqp MZ MZP rubber insulated cable is suitable for copper core rubber insulation sheathed flexible cable for shearer and similar equipment with rated voltage Uo/1.14V and below wear-resistant thermocouple sensor.(MC)UC-0.38/0.66: Shearer rubber flexible cable, power connection for coal mine with rated voltage of 0.38/0.66KV shearer and similar equipment
(MCP)UCP-0.38/0.66: Shearer shielded rubber sheathed flexible cable, power connection for AnHui TianKang (Group)Shares Co.,Ltd coal mine with rated voltage of 0.38/0.66KV shearer and similar equipment
(MCP)UCP-0.66/1.14: Shearer shielded rubber sheathed flexible cable, power connection for coal mine with rated voltage of 0.66/1.14KV shearer and similar equipment
My myp mc mcp mz mzp mq mqp MZ MZP rubber insulated cable and cable use armored thermocouple characteristics
1. The rated voltage Uo/U is 0.38/0.66KV and 0.66/1.14KV, respectively.
2. The long-term allowable operating temperature of the cable conductor is 65 °C.
3. The minimum bending radius of the cable is 6 times the diameter of the wire.
4. Assembly Thermocouple The yellow sheath must not be exposed to sunlight for a long time.
MY-0.38/0.66 Mine mobile rubber sheathed soft cable Power cable for various mobile electrical appliances under the mine
Mine mobile shielding rubber sheathed flexible cable
The coal mining machine rubber cable for coal mine is suitable for the connection of the power supply of the coal mining machine and similar equipment in the mine. The implementation standard is MT818.
The mining electric drill cable is the connecting line of the electric drill power supply under the mine. The electric drill (shielded) rubber sheath soft cable for coal mine performs the standard MT818.8-1999, MZ, MZP-0.3/0.5KV, the finished product test voltage 2000V/5min, the cross-sectional area is 2.5. , 4.
High temp thermocouple Mine electric drill cable conductor tinned copper wire, insulation material is natural styrene butadiene rubber, sheath is neoprene. It has oil resistance, flame retardant and impact resistance, tear resistance. The following table is a detailed introduction of mining electric drill cable:
My myp mc mcp mz mzp mq mqp MZ MZP rubber insulated cable Model Name Main scope of application
MZ-0.3/0.5 power drill cable for coal mine, connecting cable for power drill under the mine
MZP-0.3/0.5 power drill shielded rubber cable for coal mine
MYPTJ rated voltage 8.7/10kV and below metal shielded monitoring type flexible cable 1
Suitable for power connection of downhole mobile transformers and similar equipment with rated voltages up to 8.7/10kV.
2 Wear-resistant thermocouple working conditions
2.1 The rated voltage U0/U is 3.6/6kV, 6/10kV, 8.7/10kV.
2.2 The long-term allowable operating temperature of the cable conductor is 90 °C.
2.3 The minimum bend radius of the cable is 6 times the diameter of the cable.
2.4 The ground wire of the cable must be well grounded.
3 pt100 RTD Product models are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
My myp mc mcp mz mzp mq mqp MZ MZP rubber insulated cable Use
Mobile metal shielded monitoring rubber sheathed flexible cable for coal mine
Power connection for downhole mobile transformers and similar equipment with rated voltages up to 8.7/10kV and below
4 Cable specifications are to comply with Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4.
1 use
It is suitable for power connection of shearer and similar equipment with rated voltage of 1.9/3.3kV and below. .
2 working conditions
2.1 The rated voltage U0/U is 0.66/1.14kV and 1.9/3.3kV respectively.
2.2 The long-term allowable operating temperature of the cable conductor is 90 °C.
2.3 The minimum bend radius of the cable is 6 times the diameter of the cable.
2.4 Yellow sheathed cables shall not be exposed to light for long periods of time.
3 Boiler Specific Thermocouple Product models are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Shearer metal shield monitoring rubber sheathed flexible cable
Power connection for shearer and similar equipment with rated voltage of 0.66/1.14kV and below
Shearer metal shield rubber sheathed flexible cable
Surface Thermocouple Power connection for shearer and similar equipment with rated voltage of 0.66/1.14kV and below
Shearer metal shield rubber sheathed flexible cable
Power connection for shearer and similar equipment with rated voltage of 1.9/3.3kV and below
Shearer metal shield monitoring rubber sheathed flexible cable
Power connection for shearer and similar equipment with rated voltage of 1.9/3.3kV and below
4 Cable specifications are to comply with Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5.

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